Fort Myers Naples Maternity Photography at Beach

When Alice first met us at Parent Child Expo this past June at Germain Arena where we have been doing an annual photographic art display for the past 8 years, she was very much pregnant with her third child and had asked us to do a maternity photoshoot at Fort Myers Beach. She was only a few weeks away from her expected due date. We were very much surprised she was that far along and normally our schedule doesn’t allow such quick scheduling.  In most cases the idea time to capture maternity photos are between 28 and 32 weeks. This is because of water retention that causes puffiness and swelling in face and feet.

Alice was a different scenario, she looked amazing and didn’t have the usual swelling. She wanted something on the beach and loved our art work of families and children on display. “Your work is different and looks like paintings” she told us. Yes, that is a common statement and one we strive for in each session. Personal art for each client’s home!

Here are some of the images we produced that evening with her family.

waiting on baby

waiting on baby

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dreaming of little one to come

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Momma feeling sassy in one of our maternity gowns from Sew Trendy Accessories

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beautiful maternity silhouette at sunset. The last image made that gorgeous evening.

Alice has since had her sweet daughter and a newborn blog is sure to follow. 😉

Blessings to all,

Sandy & Barb


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