Here at SandBar photography we love meeting and capturing generations of family.


We have so much fun witnessing family members that haven’t seen each other for years sometimes, reunite. The cousins and oh the grandparents with those precious grand babies, no matter how old they are.  what a privilege to photograph the love between them.


During the Holidays it becomes what we end up photographing the most of, sunset after sunset. The beaches here in SouthWest Florida are the most requested. Understandably so when we live in such a paradise of tropical climate during the winter months.


Ft Myers Beach, Sanibel Island, Captiva Island, Naples, Bonita Beach, seem to be the most popular for our Northern Families. The other 50% goes  between private residence and at our very own studio.

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The first challenge is always trying to secure a date and getting everyone to participate. This is no small feat! Usually has to be scheduled a month or so out.

Then the challenge of clothing comes next, every one in matching colors ? or color coordinated by individual families?

In the end what is most important is that the focus is on the faces, not the clothing. Truly the less is more principle applies. we have a clothing pallet that we send out to help.


With our consultation, and by asking the right questions we make the sessions go quickly and smoothly mixed in with some FUN, and a few corny jokes from Barb ( me 😉 )


It is especially dear to Sandy & I both as  we have experienced loss of loved ones in the past few years , we absolutely cherish the family generational portraits we captured of our own families.  Those are more precious to us now than when we first took the images.

When is the right time to take a generational portrait? ASAP! is the correct answer. Something you will never regret and your portrait becomes more valuable to you as the years pass.

“The Love of Family is one of Life’s Greatest Blessing”



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