As many of you know, Barb and I are members of our local professional photography guild here in Southwest Florida.  Last night was our first Print Competition of the Year and we each entered six images.

We were so excited to have Merited on 7 out of the 12 entered, and three of those received placement awards!

It is our goal to continue to perfect our craft by entering images into local, state, and international competitions.  We are eager to hear the judges’ critiques and are able to learn and grow from them.

Check out last night’s Award Winning SandBar Photography Images:

Bandana Buddies Second Place

Wrapped in Love third place

Little Boy Blue Merit Print 81

Sweet Dreams Merit 80

November Blog Image

The time has finally arrived!  The rains are gone and the sun is shining on our 5 acre property nestled among the oaks in North Ft. Myers, Florida.

With the Holidays quickly approaching, now is the time for that long awaited Family Portrait you’ve been wanting all year.  No time like the present,

and we still have available dates on our calendar.  So call today and schedule your Family Portrait Session with SandBar Photography.

239.707.9570  or 239.707.7971

Fort Myers, Newborn Baby Photographer


SandBar Photography had the pleasure to photograph this sweet baby boy this past week. Welcome Baby Jaxen!

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This little guy had the sweetest disposition. As a newborn photographer in the Ft Myers, Florida area you really can tell the difference in each newborn’s personality.

Some already have their own minds made up of how the session is going to go, and fight going off to sleep.

It is with much patience that Barb handles the newborns as she has the warm hands and a grandma’s touch.

Jaxen didn’t want to go to sleep at first but with a full belly and such snuggly warm blankets he gave it up. 😉

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The photograph with the baby and the football is always a daddy’s favorite.

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while Mommy’s find the adorable little elf hat irresistible.

Congratulations to Amanda and Joe ! Thank You for choosing SandBar Photography as your family historians to document him in portraits.

Baby Jaxen ,  it will be our pleasure to watch you little guy grow. 😉