Business Headshots for Thrive Therapy/ Fort Myers FLorida

Thrive Therapy Business Headshots


We had the opportunity to work with Rachel and Elizabeth at

Thrive Therapy in Fort Myers for business head shots, and some

updated photos for their website.

Thrive Therapy works with children and families through creative play.

(see posted link for more information)


Rachel Stewart, Author “Zach & Zoie Safe Zones


Here at SandBar,  Sandy & I see a lot of children. Whether they are 6 days old

or 6 years old, each child is different in personality and looks.

It is an amazing discovery to see newborns barely out of the womb of Mom  already

easy going, feisty, hot natured, calm, or one that would rather snuggle in a toasty wrap.


Each child has a mind of their own and here at SandBar we let the little ones rule.

They dictate how the sessions go, as far as the flow and order of the session.

Somehow it turns out amazingly perfect as it should be.



We wanted to recognize these two special ladies and their field of expertise.

A much needed service in our community.



Who They Treat?   Children  3-12 years,  Adolescents  13-17 years,   Adults 18+ years, Families

What They Treat?  Anxiety, Depression, Trauma/Abuse, Grief/Loss, Impulse Control/ADHD, Parenting Education,Safe Education


What is Play Therapy?

Play Therapy is a theoretically based form of counseling that is used with children to help resolve psychosocial challenges. Children benefit from play therapy, compared to traditional talk therapy, due to their limited verbal ability to express their thoughts and feelings. In play therapy, children have access to carefully selected therapeutic toys that enable the child to say with the toys what they may not be able to say with words through the use of miniature figurines, art supplies, puppets, and dolls. Play therapy allows the child to work through things they have difficulty with by providing a safe psychological distance from their problems that in turn allows them to express their thoughts and feelings appropriate to their development. It is different from just playing with a child, a play therapist has specialized training to help assess a child’s play and facilitate growth and healing through play therapy interventions. Through play therapy, children learn to communicate with others, express feelings, modify behavior, develop problem-solving skills, and learn a variety of ways to relate to others.Play is the natural language of children. Toys are thought to be a child’s words and play is their language.

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Who Benefits from Play Therapy ?


Anyone can benefit, however PlayTherapy is generally used with children ages 3 to 12.